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Lawn Care

From as little as £15 per treatment

Getting that perfect lawn in to great condition couldn't be easier. Ensuring that the work is carried out at the correct time of year, sourcing some of the best materials, equipment and techniques available. We ensure that we are working with nature and the weather and not against them! Offering both private and commercial clients four yearly seasonal visits a year, lawn scarification and lawn aeration and sourcing the correct ingredients suitable for your lawn and its needs. We ensure by following the correct horticulture practices in turf care this reflects on our customers lawns. Why choose Total Lawns to provide you with lawncare? Our customers trust us to offer them guidance and advice in making sure lawns are always looking at there best. With a wealth of experience, knowledge and good horticultural practice, Total Lawns will ensure you achieve maximum results. If you have always wanted a beautiful lawn, professional advice and you live in the Ipswich, Colchester or surrounding areas, then call us today to discover our lawn treatment service, and how it can benefit your lawns. 

Having a lawn you can love made easy


Weeds are good at germinating almost any area, many of them have seeds which blow about in the wind or are transported for them by birds. This makes them very efficient plants, and is why we like to have three opportunities a year to treat them. Weedkillers in liquid form, which we apply with spraying equipment. Most commonly we use knapsack sprayers where the spray nozzle is very close to the ground. This ensures that we can spray very accurately around areas such as flower beds.



There are hundreds of different moss varieties in the UK, however they all belong to one or other of the two main moss types. These are cushion mosses and trailing mosses. The type prevailing on your lawn will help us determine why it might be there, for example cushion moss is often encouraged by cutting the grass too short. Moss lives in a habitat of shady and damp conditions. Controlling moss in the lawn enironment is best targeted by lawn aeration and scarification at the correct timimgs of year. Mechanically doing this rlieves moss and thatch and allows new growth to start a new cycle. However, if moss is present on hard standing areas, then it will require a little more detailed attention and time to rid the moss of its naturall habitat. 



Leatherjackets are the larvae stage of what is commonly known as Daddy Longlegs (Crane Fly). Their life cycle begins when the female lays her eggs into the lawn, approximately in September; these hatch through the month of October. When the weather is wet and warm over the winter these larvae start to feed on the top part of the rooting system; through the winter months the damage is not normally seen, because at this time the size of the Leatherjackets will be very small. When we get into the months of February, March they are generally a lot bigger and the damage is more extensive.

To control Leatherjackets, we apply a granular treatment in late spring, when it has the most effect. The treatment works by changing the taste of the grass plant, thereby deterring the grubs from ingesting it.  As this is a granular application, it will require watering in.

N.B. Due to changes in legislation, this treatment is now subject to change, however we can source chemicals that can be applied at the correct time of year, this is usally in the months of August and September.


Chafer Grub

Chafer Grubs are the larvae stage of the Chafer Beetle (May Bug or May Beetle). Their life cycle can be different for each species; there is the Garden Chafer, the Welsh Chafer and the Rose Chafer, these are the dominant species in the UK with the most difficult being the species with a three year life cycle. The females after mating, lay their eggs back into the lawn and after hatching they move down through the soil profile to start feeding off the root systems, over the next couple of years. When they first hatch they are at their most vulnerable and are very small, hence the reason for the downward movement and over the next couple of years they feed of the grass roots. When they reach just below the surface, the grass plant at this stage will become very weak and can be pulled back, similar to rolling a carpet up. Birds, badgers and a number of other animals enjoy eating these grubs so damage to the lawn can be extensive.

The granule treatment is best applied when it offers optimum control, this period of time is when the grubs are at their most vulnerable, late spring/early summer; it is a granule and after application will need sufficient water to help it move into the soil profile. The process of control is by means of upsetting the grub, by disliking the taste of the roots when it ingests the product and by contact, numbers will then reduce over a period of time. With grubs having a three year cycle, this treatment needs to be applied annually to ensure good control.

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